# Screaming CuckooBroad Associates 2009,2011
# /boot/grub/menu.lst v1.3.005
# originally for grub v.91: DSL 4.4.10 : Linux 2.4.31
# updated for grub v.97: tinycore 3.3 : Linux 2.6.33
# PCLinuxOS 2010.12 : Linux 2.6.33
# grml 2010.04 : Linux 2.6.33
# finnix 91.1 : Linux 2.6.24
# resides on /sda5 of USB connected flashdrive or harddrive;
# kernels & ramdisks on /sda4; sysimages & installs on system disk
default 5
timeout 10
color green/black white/blue
title tinycore
# root (hd0,3)
kernel (hd0,3)/trcm/tinycore33/bzImage quiet waitusb=7 host=trcm
initrd (hd0,3)/trcm/tinycore33/tinycore.gz
title DSLinux (circleomega)
root (hd0,3)
kernel (hd0,3)/trcm/DSLinux4410/linux24 ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us vga=791 frugal qemu quiet host=trcm tz=Europe/London utc
initrd (hd0,3)/trcm/DSLinux4410/minirt24.gz
title DSLinux from boot partition
root (hd0,4)
kernel /DSLinux4410/linux24 ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us vga=791 frugal qemu quiet host=trcm tz=Europe/London utc
initrd /DSLinux4410/minirt24.gz
title grml - CircleOmega /sdb6 [sic]
kernel (hd0,3)/boot/release/grml/linux26 apm=power-off boot=live nomce live-media-path=/live/grml/ bootid=020cd32c-a672-49d6-b3fc-43a3220e459a xmodule=vesa hostname=trcm noeject noprompt noconsolefont swap noquick myconfig=/dev/sdb6 scripts startx=fluxbox vga=791
initrd (hd0,3)/boot/release/grml/initrd.gz
title finnix 91.1
root (hd0,3)
kernel (hd0,3)/trcm/Finnix911/linux quiet vga=791 apm=power-off
initrd (hd0,3)/trcm/Finnix911/minirt
title PCLinuxOS /hda10 vga=791
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
kernel (hd1,9)/boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=PCLinuxOS root=UUID=0063e2c0-9d87-4e3d-a0b8-9cd93a3a827c resume=UUID=9ced11d1-2830-478c-808f-851c57e81d33 vga=791
initrd (hd1,9)/boot/initrd.img
title trcm with Persistence
kernel (hd0,6)/trcm_6/vmlinuz livecd=trcm_6 fromusb root=UUID=abfcd0e3-88d0-41b8-a7bc-2dbaa30798da acpi=on fstab=rw,noauto vga=791 changes_dev=UUID=abfcd0e3-88d0-41b8-a7bc-2dbaa30798da
initrd (hd0,6)/trcm_6/initrd.gz
title DSLinux (640)
root (hd0,4)
kernel /DSLinux4410/linux24 ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us vga=785 frugal qemu quiet host=trcm tz=Europe/London utc
initrd /DSLinux4410/minirt24.gz
title DSLinux (800)
root (hd0,4)
kernel /DSLinux4410/linux24 ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us vga=788 frugal qemu quiet host=trcm tz=Europe/London utc
initrd /DSLinux4410/minirt24.gz
title DSLinux delivered
root (hd0,4)
kernel /DSLinux4410/linux24 ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us quiet vga=791 frugal
initrd /DSLinux4410/minirt24.gz
title PCLinuxOS /hda10 delivered
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
kernel (hd1,9)/boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=PCLinuxOS root=UUID=0063e2c0-9d87-4e3d-a0b8-9cd93a3a827c resume=UUID=9ced11d1-2830-478c-808f-851c57e81d33 vga=788
initrd (hd1,9)/boot/initrd.img
# define entries:
title grml - Default boot (using 1024x768 framebuffer)
kernel (hd0,3)/boot/release/grml/linux26 apm=power-off vga=791 quiet boot=live nomce live-media-path=/live/grml/ bootid=020cd32c-a672-49d6-b3fc-43a3220e459a
initrd (hd0,3)/boot/release/grml/initrd.gz
## flavour specific configuration for grml [grml2usb for grml: 1293702986.0]
title grml-failsafe
kernel (hd0,3)/boot/release/grml/linux26 apm=power-off boot=live nomce quiet live-media-path=/live/grml/ vga=normal noautoconfig atapicd noapic noacpi acpi=off nomodules nofirewire noudev nousb nohotplug noapm nopcmcia nosmp maxcpus=0 noscsi noagp nodma ide=nodma noswap nofstab nosound nogpm nosyslog nodhcp nocpu nodisc nomodem xmodule=vesa noraid nolvm noresume selinux=0 edd=off pci=nomsi bootid=020cd32c-a672-49d6-b3fc-43a3220e459a
initrd (hd0,3)/boot/release/grml/initrd.gz
# goes at the bottom of /boot/grub/menu.lst
# brings up da doze (hee hee)
title VBR of partition 1 of next harddrive (XP or whatever)
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader (hd1,0)+1
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
+++ zicbios
# zicfile for BIOS clock
Zone BIOS+0 00:00 - BIOS
+++ DSL bootlocal.sh
# "Success has a cause; failure does not." --Me
# sudo hwclock --hctosys
sudo cp -p /home/dsl/BIOS+0 /etc/localtime
exec /home/dsl/initthis.cfg
exit 0
# spurious line added by /usr/sbin/kbdconfig
loadkeys us
+++ initthis.cfg
echo ...
echo initthis.cfg in progress
echo -e "\033[1;32m$(date +%G%b%d%a.%P%H:%M:%S)\033[0m"
# establish physical location of Linux project resources
KDSL=$(cat /etc/sysconfig/mydsl.mount)
[ "${KDSL}" == "/tmp" ] && KDSL=/cdrom
# .bash_profile(s) executing concurrently; symlinks for extensions & scripts
# kpZone symlink for scripts, IceWM, .xinitrc & browsers
ln -sfn ${KDSL} /opt/bin/zmydsl &
ln -sfn ${KDSL}/kpZone /opt/bin/kpZone
ls -al1 /opt/bin/k*
# /usr/local/sbin in superuser path (unlike /opt/bin)
# zkp provides script path; iwmenu manages the installs
cp -p ${KPU}/sh/zkp /usr/local/sbin &
ln -sf ${KPU}/sh/iwmenu /usr/local/sbin/iwmenu &
pidof syslogd &>/dev/null || sudo syslogd
# ${HOME} is "/" at this point
ln -sf /home/dsl/= /opt/bin/=
[ -f ${KFONT} ] && consolechars -f ${KFONT}
echo /tmp/mydsl >/opt/.mydsl_dir &
mydsl-load ${KDSL}/mydsl/startup/trcmutil.uci &>/dev/null
# backslash is legacy protection from /usr/sbin/kbdconfig
load\keys /home/dsl/kp &
# dialup optionally here
# ${KPU}/sh/shpppcon &>/dev/null &
# this one slipped thru the cracks
sudo mkdir /var/tmp &>/dev/null &
# unix98 style pseudoterminal for midcomm subshell
sudo mount /dev/pts &
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ptmx &
KSCA="Screaming CuckooBroad Associates"
logger $(echo '(!)' ${KSCA} $(date +%G) '(!)')
pidof syslogd &>/dev/null && sudo pkill -x syslogd &
echo -e "\033[1;35minitthis.cfg complete\033[0m"
exit 0
+++ pppd .ppprc options file
# Screaming CuckooBroad Associates
# pppd v2.4.1 Linux 2.4.31
# .ppprc config file v1.01.001
# /opt/ppp/options should be zeroed out if genned via pppconfig
# lcp-echo options cause connection to corrupt after inactivity
asyncmap 0
# lcp-echo-interval 30
# lcp-echo-failure 4
# noipx
+++ .bash_profile
echo $(echo -e "\033[1;33m$(date +%G%b%d%a.%P%H:%M:%S)\033[0m") .bash_profile
export z_trcm='part of the CircleOmega organisation'
# external editor for midcomm
export EDITOR=zkp
export IRCNICK="$USER"
[ "$UID" == 0 ] && rm -f /root/.dfmdesk/.linkto*
SSH=$(env | grep SSH_CONNECTION)
RUNLEVEL=$(runlevel | cut -f2 -d' ')
if [ -z "$SSH" ]; then
if [ $RUNLEVEL -eq 5 ]; then
# diff $HOME/.torsmorc /etc/skel/.torsmorc > /dev/null
# if [ "$?" == 0 ]; then
# if [ -d /proc/acpi/battery ]; then
# BAT="$(ls -1 /proc/acpi/battery|head -1)"
# sed 's/battery}/battery '$BAT'}/' /etc/skel/.torsmorc > $HOME/.torsmorc
# fi
# fi
# CircleOmega customisations
mkdir /tmp/dev &>/dev/null
set >/tmp$(tty)
if [ "$(tty)" == "/dev/tty1" ]
mydsl-load /opt/bin/zmydsl/mydsl/startup/qiv.dsl &>/dev/null
mydsl-load /opt/bin/zmydsl/mydsl/startup/vfu.uci &>/dev/null
mydsl-load /opt/bin/zmydsl/mydsl/startup/xfishtank.uci &>/dev/null
mydsl-load /opt/bin/zmydsl/mydsl/startup/uemacs4102.uci &>/dev/null
mydsl-load /opt/bin/zmydsl/mydsl/startup/adobefp-7.73.uci &>/dev/null
xinit &
echo .bash_profile completed ...
+++ .bashrc
# Screaming CuckooBroad Associates 2009
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# check out /KNOPPIX/etc/profile for inherited environmental aspects
# superuser ${PATH} hardcompiled into /usr/bin/sudo
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# disable color support of ls
if [ "$TERM" != "dumb" ]; then
# eval `dircolors -b`
eval $(dircolors ~/.dir_colors)
# establish a minumum of aliases / functions
# alias dir="ls"
alias dir="cd $(zkp) ; ls -ale"
alias x="exit"
# turn off ctl-s / ctl-q flow control (for microemacs)
stty -ixon
# VFU invocation w/ cd on exit
function c() {
vfu $@
cd $(cat /tmp/vfu.exit.${USER})
rm -f /tmp/vfu.exit.${USER}
rm -f /tmp/file*
return 0
# prompt: user device terminal shelllevel / time directory
PT01="\e[1;32m\]\u@\h\e[1;33m\]($(tty | sed s_/dev/__g):${SHLVL})"
PT02="\e[1;35m\]\D{%P%H:%M:%S}\e[1;36m\][\W] \$ "
unset PT01 PT02
# clear some space
for ((i=1; i<50; i++))
+++ Xwindow .xinitrc
# Screaming CuckooBroad Associates
# .xinitrc v1.04.017
# DSL 4.4.10 [Debian / Knoppix] Linux 2.4.31
# malintentioned toxicity generally abated
# for a good laugh check out original in /KNOPPIX/etc/skel
echo -e "\033[1;36mooo\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[1;32mprocessing .xinitrc\033[0m"
xset led &
[ -f ${KWM} ] || mydsl-load /opt/bin/zmydsl/mydsl/startup/icewm.uci &>/dev/null
ln -sf ${KWM} /usr/local/sbin # physical name in path for restart function
# KWM=/opt/icewm/starticewm # delivered full startup can be reenabled
ln -sf ${KWM} /usr/local/sbin/iwprog # logical name coded for DSL-type scripting
[ -d ${KFONT} ] && xset +fp ${KFONT} &
# KEYTABLE="$(getknoppixparam.lua KEYTABLE)"
DESKTOP="$(getoption.lua $HOME/.desktop wm)"
ICONS="$(getoption.lua $HOME/.desktop icons)"
# torsmo &>/dev/null &
# umix -lf .umix 2>/dev/null &
umix -lf .umixrc &>/dev/null &
rm -rf .xmms/Skins/myxmms-default-1.01.tar.gz &>/dev/null &
# [ -f .mouse_config ] && sh .mouse_config &
xmodmap -e 'pointer = default' &
xset m 4 0 &
# numeric pad navigation keys
xmodmap -e "keycode 84 = 0x003d" &
xmodmap -e "keycode 79 = 0xff50" -e "keycode 80 = 0xff52" &
xmodmap -e "keycode 81 = 0xff55" -e "keycode 87 = 0xff57" &
xmodmap -e "keycode 88 = 0xff54" -e "keycode 89 = 0xff56" &
xmodmap -e "keycode 90 = 0xff63" -e "keycode 91 = 0xffff" &
# these make the IceWM ctl-alt-cursor only work on the numpad
xmodmap -e "keycode 83 = 0xff51" -e "keycode 85 = 0xff53" &
# Note: to eliminate the dreaded APM vs ACPI insmod messages
# syslogd logging is enabled before the server exec
# in the .xserverrc & not turned off until here
# cf http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/f/topic-3-10-15742-0.html
pidof syslogd &>/dev/null && sudo pkill -x syslogd &>/dev/null
# fix coordinated w/ rewrite of switcher.lua
if [ "${ICONS}" == "dfm" ]; then
# just dont even bother :P
: /usr/bin/dfm &
elif [ "${ICONS}" != "noicons" ]; then
$(zkp)/sh/shxtdesk ${ICONS}
# iconsnap.lua &>/dev/null
# xtdesk.sh &
rm -rf ~/.dfmext &>/dev/null &
rm -rf ~/.dfmdesk &>/dev/null &
type ${DESKTOP} &>/dev/null || DESKTOP=jwm
[ -f ".${DESKTOP}.inc" ] && ".${DESKTOP}.inc"
setsid /opt/xfishtank/bin/runxftk &>/dev/null
$(zkp)/sh/kiwinit &
xset -led
exec ${DESKTOP} 2>/dev/null
echo 'this line is never executed ...'