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Linux logo

DSL menuing.

Home :: info :: zkp :: kDSLcon :: xiwmenu :: IceWM :: .lynxview :: MC menu :: MC bindings :: VFU config :: Credits :: &c.

+++ zkp

# Screaming CuckooBroad Associates 2009 -=[zkp]=- for DSL (Linux 2.4.31)
# initthis.cfg establishes /opt/bin/kpZone symlink then copies to residence
# /usr/local/sbin is in ${PATH} for both "dsl" & "root" / no envvars needed
# usage: $(zkp) alone globally returns kpZone path to scripts
#        w/ parameter executes kDSLcon system function controller (qv)
# ~/.+k contains individual scripts passing their filenames ($0) as parameter
# run by EmelFM / VFU / midcomm via ENTER; simple ref setup for LYNX / IceWM


  [ -z $1 ] && echo -n ${KPU} || exec ${KPU}/sh/kdslcon $1

exit 0

+++ DSL master menuing script

# TranceRave Capital Management 2009
# Primary functional menuing structure for Damn Small Linux v4.4.10

# Files named for the case objects below reside in ~/.+k of this form:
#   #!/bin/sh
#   #========
#   echo ...
#   exec zkp $0
# Invocation via EmelFM / VFU / midcomm: scripts are merely selected via ENTER
# Invocation via Lynx: *.sh copies of files created at runtime in /opt/lynxmenu
# Invocation via IceWM: submenu references these files directly; eg:
#   prog zdslback /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zdslback
# F4 editors: VFU (vfu.conf) & midcomm ${EDITOR} also call zkp directly

# echo ooo
echo -n 'kDSLcon: Linux DSL controller v1.02.004 : '$1' '
date +%G%b%d%a.%P%H:%M:%S

runed() {
if [ -z ${DISPLAY} ]
  exec ue $1
  aterm -name microemacs -title microemacs -e ue $1 &
return 0


case "${KPC}" in
  "zdslback" ) exec $(zkp)/sh/kdslback ;;
  "zfssync"  ) sync ;;
  "zmount"   ) mount.app -n & ;;
  "zpppdial" ) exec $(zkp)/sh/shpppcon --dial ;;
  "zpppkill" ) exec $(zkp)/sh/shpppcon --kill ;;
  "zswitch"  ) $(zkp)/kswitch.lua & ;;
  "zucitool" ) ucitool.lua & ;;
  "zxsetup"  ) exec $(zkp)/sh/kxsetup ;;
  "zxsnap"   ) xwd -out ~/myscreen-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).xwd & ;;
  "zxtdesk"  ) exec $(zkp)/sh/shxtdesk ;;
           * ) runed $1 ;;
#          * ) echo 'kDSLcon: undefined function' & ;;
exit 0

+++ IceWM master menuing script

echo -n '(!) IWmenu program loader for DSL v1.07 : ['$1'] '
date +%G%b%d%a.%P%H:%M:%S


case "${KPROG}" in

"nedit"     ) set /opt/nedit-5.5 user.tar.gz  nedit-5.5.uci   nedit ;;
"opera9"    ) set /opt/opera9    user.tar.gz  opera9.uci      bin/opera ;;
"audacity"  ) set /opt/audacity  user.tar.gz  audacity.uci    start_audacity ;;
"nvision"   ) set /opt/jre1_5_0  user.tar.gz  jre1_5_0.uci    runnviz ;;
"xnview"    ) set /opt/xnview    user.tar.gz  xnview.uci      bin/xnview ;;
"le"        ) set /opt/le        user.tar.gz  le.uci          usr/bin/le ;;
"vfu"       ) set /opt/vfu       user.tar.gz  vfu.uci         usr/bin/vfu ;;
"lynx"      ) set /opt/lynx      user.tar.gz  lynx.uci        usr/bin/lynx ;;
"irssi"     ) set /opt/irssi     user.tar.gz  irssi.uci       bin/irssi ;;
"xchat"     ) set /opt/xchat     user.tar.gz  xchat.uci       usr/bin/xchat ;;
"gnudev"    ) set /opt/gnudev    user.tar.gz  gnudev.uci      gnudev ;;
"wmmoonc"   ) set /opt/wmmoonc   user.tar.gz  wmmoonc.uci     usr/bin/wmmoonc ;;
"astrolog"  ) set /opt/astrolog  user.tar.gz  astrolog.uci    runalog ;;
"xfishtank" ) set /opt/xfishtank user.tar.gz  xfishtank.uci   bin/runxftk ;;
"xcruiser"  ) set /opt/trcmutil  user.tar.gz  trcmutil.uci    usr/bin/xcruiser ;;
"calcoo"    ) set /opt/trcmutil  user.tar.gz  trcmutil.uci    usr/bin/calcoo ;;
"nchex"     ) set /opt/trcmutil  user.tar.gz  trcmutil.uci    usr/bin/nchex ;;
"xmnt"      ) set /opt/trcmutil  user.tar.gz  trcmutil.uci    usr/bin/runxm ;;
"rman"      ) set /opt/rman      user.tar.gz  rman.uci        usr/bin/rman ;;
"wp2x"      ) set /opt/wp2x      user.tar.gz  wp2x.uci        usr/bin/wp2x ;;
"gv"        ) set /opt/gv358     user.tar.gz  gv358.uci       usr/X11R6/bin/gv ;;
"nftp"      ) set /opt/nftp162   user.tar.gz  nftp162.uci     nftp ;;
"dosbox"    ) set /opt/dosbox    user.tar.gz  dosbox.uci      rundos ;;
"cobolit"   ) set /opt/cobol-it  user.tar.gz  cobol-it.uci    null ;;
"splint"    ) set /opt/splint311 user.tar.gz  splint311.uci   null ;;
"links2"    ) set /opt/links2    links2       links2.uci      runlinks ;;
"procps"    ) set /opt/procps    COPYING      procps.uci      bin/top ;;
"mc"        ) set /opt/mc        COPYING      mc.uci          bin/mc ;;
"qiv"       ) set /usr/bin       qiv          qiv.dsl         qiv ;;
"xine"      ) set /usr/bin       xine         xine.dsl        xine ;;
"eboard"    ) set /usr/games     eboard       eboard.dsl      eboard ;;
"xssgtk"    ) set /usr/bin       xscreensaver xssgtk.dsl      xscreensaver-demo ;;
"dselect"   ) set /usr/bin       dselect      dsl-dpkg.unc    "sudo dselect" ;;
"sunclock"  ) set /usr/bin       sunclock     sunclock.tar.gz sunclock ;;
"superuser" ) set /usr/bin       sudo         superuser.dsl   "sudo -s" ;;
"freebsd"   ) set /bin           bash         freebsd.dsl     bash ;;
"netrik"    ) set /usr/local/bin netrik       netrik.dsl      shnetrik ;;
"dmix"      ) set /usr/local/bin dmix         rexima.tar.gz   "runmixr -d" ;;
"rexima"    ) set /usr/bin       rexima       rexima.tar.gz   "runmixr -r" ;;

*) echo $0 : undefined argument ; exit 1
esac ;            OPTDIR=$1    ; ICHECK=$2  ; MDLOAD=$3     ; IWEXEC=$4

# install program if uninstalled
# zmydsl symlink established in initthis.cfg from /etc/sysconfig/mydsl.mount
# (what do you expect from a progammer whose initials are BS?)

[ -f ${OPTDIR}/${ICHECK} ] || mydsl-load /opt/bin/zmydsl/mydsl/programs/${MDLOAD}

[ "${KEXEC}" == "--norun" ] && exit 0

# programs run in xterms or from scripts

case "${KPROG}" in
  "procps"    ) ICONSW=-iconic ;;

KXT="echo aterm ${ICONSW} -name ${KPROG} -title ${MDLOAD} -e ${OPTDIR}"

case "${KPROG}" in
  "mc"        ) OPTDIR=$(${KXT}) ;;
  "vfu"       ) OPTDIR=$(${KXT}) ;;
  "nchex"     ) OPTDIR=$(${KXT}) ;;
  "procps"    ) OPTDIR=$(${KXT}) ;;
  "dselect"   ) OPTDIR=$(${KXT}) ;;
  "superuser" ) OPTDIR=$(${KXT}) ;;
  "freebsd"   ) OPTDIR=$(${KXT}) ;;
  "irssi"     ) OPTDIR=$(${KXT}) ;;
  "nftp"      ) OPTDIR=$(${KXT}) ;;
  "dmix"      ) OPTDIR=$(zkp)/sh ;; 
  "rexima"    ) OPTDIR=$(zkp)/sh ;; 
  "dosbox"    ) OPTDIR=$(zkp)/sh ;; 
  "gnudev"    ) OPTDIR=$(zkp)/sh ;; 
  "links2"    ) OPTDIR=$(zkp)/sh ;; 
  "netrik"    ) OPTDIR=$(zkp)/sh ;; 
  "nvision"   ) OPTDIR=$(zkp)/../../soft/nvj20 ;;

# thats all folkz (!)

# echo ${OPTDIR}/${IWEXEC}
       ${OPTDIR}/${IWEXEC} &

exit 0

+++ IceWM menu
# CircleOmega IceWM menu
# prog [name] [icon] [target]
# icon / target must physically exist: ie no runtime or shell builtin expansion
# code ${HOME} / ~ as /home/dsl : *.ico files not recognised as graphics

menu Functions      /home/dsl/.icewmico/eboard.png
  prog zdslback /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zdslback
  prog zfssync  /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zfssync 
  prog zmount   /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zmount  
  prog zpppdial /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zpppdial
  prog zpppkill /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zpppkill
  prog zswitch  /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zswitch 
  prog zucitool /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zucitool
  prog zxsetup  /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zxsetup 
  prog zxsnap   /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zxsnap   
  prog zxtdesk  /usr/share/dfm/icons/package.xpm /home/dsl/.+k/zxtdesk
menu Net            /home/dsl/.icewmico/eboard.png
  prog Firefox      /KNOPPIX/etc/skel/.xtdesktop/Firefox.gif  firefox
  prog Opera        /home/dsl/.icewmico/opera9.png            iwmenu opera9
  prog Netrik       /home/dsl/.icewmico/Tuxcircle-48x48.png   iwmenu netrik
  prog Links2       /usr/share/dfm/icons/package3.xpm         iwmenu links2
  prog NFTP         /home/dsl/.icewmico/blue-right.png        iwmenu nftp
  prog axyFTP       /KNOPPIX/etc/skel/.xtdesktop/Ftp.gif      axyftp
  prog irssi        /home/dsl/.icewmico/irssi.png             iwmenu irssi
  prog xchat        /home/dsl/.icewmico/xchat.png             iwmenu xchat
  prog FreeBSD      /home/dsl/.icewmico/freebsd-48x48.png     iwmenu freebsd
menu Programs       /home/dsl/.icewmico/eboard.png
  prog mtPaint      /KNOPPIX/etc/skel/.xtdesktop/mtPaint.png  mtpaint
  prog xzgv         /KNOPPIX/etc/skel/.xtdesktop/Xzgv.png     xzgv
  prog UCItool      /usr/share/dfm/icons/package3.xpm         ucitool.lua
  prog xnView       /home/dsl/.icewmico/xnview.png            iwmenu xnview
menu Astronomy      /home/dsl/.icewmico/eboard.png
  prog Astrolog     /home/dsl/.icewmico/astrlog3.png          iwmenu astrolog
  prog NightVision  /home/dsl/.icewmico/Jupiter-48x48.png     iwmenu nvision
  prog SunClock     /home/dsl/.icewmico/Globe02-48x48.png     iwmenu sunclock
  prog wmMoonClock  /home/dsl/.icewmico/moontool-48x48.png    iwmenu wmmoonc
menu Media          /home/dsl/.icewmico/eboard.png
  prog rexima       /home/dsl/.icewmico/Mammooth-48x48.png    iwmenu rexima
  prog Dmix         /usr/share/dfm/icons/dmix.xpm             iwmenu dmix
  prog Xine         /home/dsl/.icewmico/xine.png              iwmenu xine
  prog Audacity     /home/dsl/.icewmico/audacity.png          iwmenu audacity
menu Cool           /home/dsl/.icewmico/eboard.png
  prog DOSbox       /usr/share/dfm/icons/console4.xpm         iwmenu dosbox
  prog Xcruiser     /home/dsl/.icewmico/Enterprise-icon.gif   iwmenu xcruiser
  prog Xfishtank    /home/dsl/.icewmico/Green-Fish-48x48.png  iwmenu xfishtank
  prog Xmountains   /home/dsl/.icewmico/Mountain-48x48.png    iwmenu xmnt
  prog Xscreensaver /home/dsl/.icewmico/ScreenSaver-48x48.png iwmenu xssgtk
  prog eboard       /home/dsl/.icewmico/eboard.png            iwmenu eboard
menu Tools          /home/dsl/.icewmico/eboard.png
  prog GNUdev       /home/dsl/.icewmico/blue-right.png        iwmenu gnudev
  prog cobolit      /usr/share/dfm/icons/binary.xpm           iwmenu cobolit
  prog gv           /home/dsl/.icewmico/gv_icon.png           iwmenu gv
  prog ncHex        /home/dsl/.icewmico/CPU01-48x48.png       iwmenu nchex 
  prog Calcoo       /usr/share/dfm/icons/calc.xpm             iwmenu calcoo
  prog procPS       /home/dsl/.icewmico/App-48x48.png         iwmenu procps
menu SysAdmin       /home/dsl/.icewmico/eboard.png
  prog VFU          /KNOPPIX/etc/skel/.xtdesktop/gear.png     iwmenu vfu
  prog midcomm      /usr/share/dfm/icons/cpanel.xpm           iwmenu mc
  prog dSelect      /usr/share/dfm/icons/package4.xpm         iwmenu dselect
  prog superuser    /usr/share/dfm/icons/folder_gold.xpm      iwmenu superuser

+++ .lynxview
#kpmod =================================================================
#kpmod == VIEWER specs separated into an INCLUDE deck because they echo
#kpmod == the menuing structure. Less dynamic mods remain in lynx.cfg
#kpmod =================================================================

# MIME types may be assigned to external viewers using
# the VIEWER definition.
# NOTE: if you do not define a viewer to a new MIME type
#       that you assigned above then it will be saved to
#       disk by default.
#       It is normally preferable to define new viewers in
#       MAILCAP files (see below) instead of here:  Definitions
#       here are overridden by those in MAILCAP files and even
#       by some built-in defaults in src/HTInit.c.
# The VIEWER definition takes the form of:
#    VIEWER:[mime type]:[viewer command][:environment]
#      where -mime type is the MIME content type of the file
#	     -viewer command is a system command that can be
#             used to display the file where %s is replaced
#             within the command with the physical filename
#             (e.g., "ghostview %s" becomes "ghostview /tmp/temppsfile")
#            -environment is optional.  The only valid keywords
#             are currently XWINDOWS and NON_XWINDOWS.  If the XWINDOWS
#             environment is specified then the viewer will only be
#             defined when the user has the environment variable DISPLAY
#             (DECW$DISPLAY on VMS) defined.  If the NON_XWINDOWS environment
#             is specified the specified viewer will only be defined when the
#             user DOES NOT have the environment variable DISPLAY defined.
#  examples:
#		VIEWER:image/gif:xli %s:XWINDOWS
#               VIEWER:image/gif:ascii-view %s:NON_XWINDOWS
#               VIEWER:application/start-elm:elm
# You must put the whole definition on one line.
# If you must use a colon in the viewer command, precede it with a backslash!
# The MIME_type:viewer:XWINDOWS definitions listed here in the lynx.cfg
# file are among those established via src/HTInit.c.  For the image types,
# HTInit.c uses the XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND definition in userdefs.h or above
# (open is used for NeXT).  You can change any of these defaults via the
# global or personal mailcap files.  Assignments made here will be overridden
# by entries in those files.
.ex 7
#VIEWER:application/postscript:ghostview %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:image/gif:xli %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:image/x-xbm:xli %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:image/png:xli %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:image/tiff:xli %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:image/jpeg:xli %s&:XWINDOWS
#VIEWER:video/mpeg:mpeg_play %s &:XWINDOWS

#kpmod =================================================================
VIEWER:audio/mp3:sudo killall mpg123; mpg123 %s &>/dev/null &:NON_XWINDOWS
VIEWER:audio/mp3:xmms %s &>/dev/null &:XWINDOWS
VIEWER:video/kmpeg:xmms %s &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:video/avi:iwmenu xine --norun; xine -V xshm %s &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:image/jpeg:xzgv %s &
VIEWER:image/gif:xzgv %s &
VIEWER:image/png:xzgv %s &
# VIEWER:shockwave/flash:/opt/opera9/bin/opera -newpage %s &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:shockwave/flash:firefox %s &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:mydsl:mydsl-load %s; read

VIEWER:menu_k10:$(zkp)/sh/kopenvt -x &>/dev/null &

VIEWER:menu_k21:firefox &
VIEWER:menu_k22:iwmenu opera9    &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k23:iwmenu netrik    &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k24:iwmenu links2    &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k25:iwmenu nftp      &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k26:axyftp  &
VIEWER:menu_k27:iwmenu irssi     &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k28:iwmenu freebsd   &>/dev/null &

VIEWER:menu_k31:mtpaint &
VIEWER:menu_k32:xzgv    &
VIEWER:menu_k33:iwmenu xnview    &>/dev/null &

VIEWER:menu_k41:iwmenu astrolog  &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k42:iwmenu nvision   &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k43:iwmenu sunclock  &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k44:iwmenu wmmoonc   &>/dev/null &

VIEWER:menu_k51:iwmenu rexima    &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k52:iwmenu dmix      &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k53:iwmenu xine      &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k54:iwmenu audacity  &>/dev/null &

VIEWER:menu_k61:iwmenu dosbox    &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k62:iwmenu xcruiser  &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k63:iwmenu xfishtank &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k64:iwmenu xmnt      &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k65:iwmenu xssgtk    &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k66:iwmenu eboard    &>/dev/null &

VIEWER:menu_k71:iwmenu gnudev    &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k72:iwmenu cobolit   &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k73:iwmenu gv        &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k74:iwmenu nchex     &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k75:iwmenu calcoo    &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k76:iwmenu procps    &>/dev/null &

VIEWER:menu_k81:iwmenu vfu       &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k82:iwmenu mc        &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k83:iwmenu dselect   &>/dev/null &
VIEWER:menu_k84:iwmenu superuser &>/dev/null &

+++ midcomm menu

# Screaming CuckooBroad Associates 2009,2012
# ~/.mc/menu v1.01.024
# originally for mc4.6.1: DSLinux 4.4.10    : Linux 2.4.31
#    updated for mc4.6.2: Finnix 91.1       : Linux 2.6.24
#                mc4.7.0: grml 2010.04      : Linux 2.6.33
#                mc4.7.3: PCLinuxOS 2010.12 : Linux 2.6.33

# header line: + is present conditionally
#              = is default (if present)
#              f,d,t is [ file / dir ] (pattern) / "type"
#              "type" is r,d,t regularfile / dir / tagged
#              boolean & | ! apply
# action line: column 1 is hotkey

`	[VFU]
	exec vfu

*	view: opera
	/opt/opera9/bin/opera -newpage %d/%p &

*	view: manpage browser
	exec $(zkp)/sh/runrman %f

+= f \.z51$ | f \.Z51$ & t r & ! t t
*	view WP51 document
	exec $(zkp)/sh/runwp2x %f 2>/dev/null

+= f \.tar\.gz$ | f \.dsl$ | f \.uci$ | f \.unc$ & t r & ! t t
*	install myDSL package
	$(zkp)/mydsl-toad %d/%f

+= f \.zip$ & t r & ! t t
*	unzip pkzip archive
	unzip %f -d %D

*	reboot
	sudo shutdown -r +0

= t d
s	locate String in this dir & below
	INP=%{what String}
	echo searching for ${PRM}
	kloc -s $PRM
	echo Processing complete. Press Enter ...
	read aparm

+ d /mnt*
1	mount filesystem
	echo mounting %f ...
	sudo mount  %f
	ls -al %f
	echo Mount request complete. Press Enter.
	read aparm

+ d /mnt*
0	unmount filesystem
	echo unmounting %f '(sync may occur; please be patient) ...'
	sudo umount %f
	ls -al %f
	echo Umount request complete. Press Enter.
	read aparm

*	run selected file

*	run selected file in background
	%f &

*	run selected file w/ args
	INP=%{Enter parms}
	echo executing %d/%f' '${PRM}
	%d/%f $PRM
	echo Processing complete. Press Enter ...
	read aparm

+ ! t t
@	perform action on file
	CMD=%{Enter command}
	$CMD %f

+ ! t t
*	perform action on file in background
	CMD=%{Enter command}
	$CMD %f &

+   t t
@	perform action on tagged files
	set %t; CMD=%{Enter command}
	while [ -n "$1" ]; do
	  $CMD "$1" &

*	openvt

x	start Xwindow
	$(zkp)/sh/kopenvt -x &>/dev/null &

*	dialup PPP w/ log
	$(zkp)/sh/shpppcon --dlog

+ t d
*	tarball directory
	exec $(zkp)/sh/s2dirtgz %f

*	e: le
	exec le %f

*	e: vi
	exec vi %f

*	e: nano
	exec nano %f

*	e: hexff
	exec hexff %f

*	e: leafpad
	leafpad %f &

*	e: ue
	exec ue %f

+= f \.lss$ & t r & ! t t
*	start Lynx from lss
	[ -f ~/.lynx/lynx.cfg ] && export LYNX_CFG=~/.lynx/lynx.cfg 
        lynx -lss=%f /

= t r
*	Lynx
	exec $(zkp)/sh/runlynx %d

*	e: ue (xterm)
	xterm -title microemacs -e ue %f &

*	e: ue (lxterm script)
	exec $(zkp)/sh/runterm -title microemacs -e ue %f &

*	e: ue (lxterm native)
        stty -ixon
	lxterminal -title microemacs --geometry=113x47 -e ue %f &

*	e: ersatzemacs (DSLinux)
	aterm -name ersatz -title ersatz -e uz %f &

*	e: nedit (native)
        nedit %f &

*	e: nedit (DSLinux)
	iwmenu nedit --norun
	/opt/nedit-5.5/nedit %f &

+++ midcomm bindings
# Midnight Commander 3.0 extension file
# Warning: Structure of this file has changed completely with version 3.0
# All lines starting with # or empty lines are thrown away.
# Lines starting in the first column should have following format:
# keyword/descNL, i.e. everything after keyword/ until new line is desc
# keyword can be: 
#    shell (desc is, when starting with a dot, any extension (no wildcards), 
#          i.e. matches all the files *desc . Example: .tar matches *.tar;
#          if it doesn't start with a dot, it matches only a file of that name)
#    regex (desc is an extended regular expression)
#          Please note that we are using the GNU regex library and thus
#          \| matches the literal | and | has special meaning (or) and
#          () have special meaning and \( \) stand for literal ( ).
#    type  (file matches this if `file %f` matches regular expression desc
#          (the filename: part from `file %f` is removed))
#    directory (matches any directory matching regular expression desc)
#    include (matches an include directive)
#    default (matches any file no matter what desc is)
# Other lines should start with a space or tab and should be in the format:
# keyword=commandNL (with no spaces around =), where keyword should be: 
#    Open (if the user presses Enter or doubleclicks it), 
#    View (F3), Edit (F4)
#    Include is the keyword used to add any further entries from an include/
#    section
# command is any one-line shell command, with the following substitutions:
# %% -> % character
# %p -> name of the current file (without path, but pwd is its path)
# %f -> name of the current file. Unlike %p, if file is located on a 
#	non-local virtual filesystem, i.e. either tarfs, mcfs or ftpfs,
#	then the file will be temporarily copied into a local directory
#	and %f will be the full path to this local temporal file.
#	If you don't want to get a local copy and want to get the
#	virtual fs path (like /#ftp:ftp.cvut.cz/pub/hungry/xword), then
#	use %d/%p instead of %f.
# %d -> name of the current directory (pwd, without trailing slash)
# %s -> "selected files", i.e. space separated list of tagged files if any
#       or name of the current file
# %t -> list of tagged files
# %u -> list of tagged files (they'll be untaged after the command)
# (If these 6 letters are in uppercase, they refer to the other panel.
# But you shouldn't have to use it in this file.)
# %cd -> the rest is a path mc should change into (cd won't work, since it's
#	a child process).  %cd handles even vfs names.
# %view -> the command you type will be piped into mc's internal file viewer
#	if you type only the %view and no command, viewer will load %f file
#	instead (i.e. no piping, so it is different to %view cat %f)
#	%view may be directly followed by {} with a list of any of
#	ascii (Ascii mode), hex (Hex mode), nroff (color highlighting for
#	text using backspace for bold and underscore) and unform
#	(no highlighting for nroff sequences) separated by commas.
# %var -> You use it like this: %var{VAR:default}.  This macro will expand
#       to the value of the VAR variable in the environment if it's set
#       otherwise the value in default will be used.  This is similar to
#       the Bourne shell ${VAR-default} construct.
# Rules are applied from top to bottom, thus the order is important.
# If some actions are missing, search continues as if this target didn't
# match (i.e. if a file matches the first and second entry and View action
# is missing in the first one, then on pressing F3 the View action from
# the second entry will be used. default should catch all the actions.
# Any new entries you develop for you are always welcome if they are
# useful on more than one system.  You can send your modifications
# by e-mail to mc-devel@gnome.org

### Changes ###
# Reorganization: 2000-05-01 Michal Svec [rebel@penguin.cz]
# Enhancements:   2009apr01 CircleOmega (MC v4.6.1 from DSL 4.4.10 repository)
#                           cleanup & various types added / improved

### TODO ###
# Postscript	Open: ps2svga [gs -DEVICE=jpeg|zgv or something]
# Images		asciiview
# All X Apps	[Nothing/Warning] if no DISPLAY
# Not found	[Default/Warning]
# Empty Output	[Default/Warning]
# Edit:		CopyOut+EDIT+CopyIn
# Security	Check gzip/bzip EDIT (mktemp)
# Maybe:	Open/XOpen/GOpen/KOpen/... for Console/X/GNOME/KDE/etc.

### Archives ###

# .tgz, .tpz, .tar.gz, .tar.z, .tar.Z, .dsl
	Open=%cd %p#utar
	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -

	# Open=%cd %p#utar
	View=%view{ascii} bzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -

	Open=%cd %p#utar
	View=%view{ascii} bzip2 -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -

# .tar.F - used in QNX
	# Open=%cd %p#utar
	View=%view{ascii} freeze -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -

# .qpr/.qpk - QNX Neutrino package installer files 
	Open=%cd %p#utar
	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -

# tar
	Open=%cd %p#utar
	View=%view{ascii} tar tvvf %f

# lha
type/^LHa\ .*archive
	Open=%cd %p#ulha
	View=%view{ascii} lha l %f

# arj
	Open=%cd %p#uarj
	View=%view{ascii} unarj l %f

# ha
	Open=%cd %p#uha
	View=%view{ascii} ha lf %f

# rar
	Open=%cd %p#urar
	View=%view{ascii} rar v -c- %f

# cpio
	Open=%cd %p#ucpio
	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc '%f' | cpio -itv 2>/dev/null
	Open=%cd %p#ucpio
	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc '%f' | cpio -itv 2>/dev/null
	Open=%cd %p#ucpio
	View=%view{ascii} cpio -itv <'%f' 2>/dev/null

# ls-lR
	Open=%cd %p#lslR

# patch
        Open=%cd %p#patchfs

# ar library
	Open=%cd %p#uar
	#Open=%view{ascii} ar tv %f
	View=%view{ascii} file %f && type nm >/dev/null && nm %f

# trpm
	Open=%cd %p#trpm
	View=%view{ascii} rpm -qivl --scripts `basename %p .trpm`

# RPM packages (SuSE uses *.spm for source packages)
	Open=%cd %p#rpm
	View=%view{ascii} rpm -qilp %f

# deb
	Open=%cd %p#deb
	View=%view{ascii} dpkg-deb -c %f

# ISO9660
	Open=%cd %p#iso9660
	View=%view{ascii} isoinfo -l -i %f

# 7zip archives (they are not man pages)
	View=%view{ascii} 7za l %f 2>/dev/null

### Sources ###

# C
	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f

# Fortran
	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
# Header
	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f

# Object
# shell/.o
	#Open=%var{PAGER:more} %f
	Open=%view{ascii} file %f && type nm >/dev/null && nm %f
	View=%view cat %f

# Asm
	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f

# C++
	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f

### Documentation ###

# Texinfo

# GNU Info page
type/^Info\ text
	Open=info -f %f

	Open=info -f %f

# Manual page
# Exception - .so libraries are not manual pages
#	View=%view{ascii} file %f && nm %f
	Open=%view{ascii} file %f && type readelf >/dev/null && readelf -a %f
	View=%view cat %f

# regex/(([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])|\.man)$
# 	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) cat %f ;; *) nroff  -Tlatin1 -mandoc %f ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
# 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) cat %f ;; *) nroff  -Tlatin1 -mandoc %f ;; esac

        Open=exec $(zkp)/sh/runrman %f
        View=%view{ascii} exec $(zkp)/sh/runrman %f --dump

# Troff with me macros.
# Exception - "read.me" is not a nroff file.

	Open=nroff  -Tlatin1 -me %f | %var{PAGER:more}
	View=%view{ascii,nroff} nroff  -Tlatin1 -me %f

# Troff with ms macros.
	Open=nroff  -Tlatin1 -ms %f | %var{PAGER:more}
	View=%view{ascii,nroff} nroff  -Tlatin1 -ms %f

# Manual page - compressed
# regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])\.g?[Zz]$
#	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) gzip -dc %f ;; *) gzip -dc %f | nroff  -Tlatin1 -mandoc ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
#	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) gzip -dc %f ;; *) gzip -dc %f | nroff  -Tlatin1 -mandoc ;; esac

        Open=exec $(zkp)/sh/runrman %f
        View=%view{ascii} exec $(zkp)/sh/runrman %f --dump

	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip -dc %f ;; *) bzip -dc %f | nroff  -Tlatin1 -mandoc ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip -dc %f ;; *) bzip -dc %f | nroff  -Tlatin1 -mandoc ;; esac

	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip2 -dc %f ;; *) bzip2 -dc %f | nroff  -Tlatin1 -mandoc ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip2 -dc %f ;; *) bzip2 -dc %f | nroff  -Tlatin1 -mandoc ;; esac

### Images ###

type/^PC\ bitmap
	Open=gimp %f
	Open=bitmap %f
	View=sxpm %f

	#Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then zgv %f; else (gqview %f &); fi
	#Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then zgv %f; else (xzgv %f &); fi
	#View=%view{ascii} identify %f
	#View=%view{ascii} asciiview %f
	#View=(xzgv %f 2>/dev/null &)
	View=(qiv -i %f &)
	Open=(iwmenu xnview --norun; xnview %f &>/dev/null &)

### Sound files ###

        Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then play %f; else (xmms -e %f 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi

        Open=mikmod %f
        #Open=tracker %f

        Open=vplay -s 22 %f

	Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then mpg123 %f; else (xmms %f &>/dev/null &); fi
	View=%view{ascii} mpg123 -vtn1 %f 2>&1 | sed -n '/^Title/,/^Comment/p;/^MPEG/,/^Audio/p'

	Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then ogg123 %f; else (xmms %f &); fi
	View=%view{ascii} ogginfo %s

	Open=timidity %f

	Open=mplayer -vo null %f
	View=%view{ascii} mplayer -quiet -slave -frames 0 -vo null -ao null -identify %f 2>/dev/null | tail +13 || file %f

### Play lists ###

	Open=if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then mplayer -vo null -playlist %f; else (xmms -p %f &); fi

### Video ###









	Open=(realplay %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)

#	Open=(xmms %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
#	Open=(mplayer %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
#	Open=(gtv %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
#	Open=(xanim %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
	Open=(iwmenu xine --norun; xine -V xshm %f &>/dev/null &)
        View=(xmms %f &>/dev/null &)

#/**/# ===================== #/**/#
#/**/# CircleOmega additions #/**/#
#/**/# ===================== #/**/#

# Flash
        Open=(firefox %d/%p &>/dev/null &)
        View=(/opt/opera9/bin/opera -newpage %d/%p &>/dev/null &)

# VGAmax
        Open=(consolechars -f %f)

# WP51
        Open=(exec $(zkp)/sh/runwp2x %f 2>/dev/null)
        View=%view{ascii} exec $(zkp)/sh/runwp2x %f --lynxdump 2>/dev/null

# Scribe
        Open=$(zkp)/sh/s2msshtm %f; exec $(zkp)/sh/runlynx /tmp/msstmp.html
        View=%view{ascii} cat %f

        Open=($(zkp)/mydsl-toad %d/%f)

# SNOG (Snog is Not Overwhelmingly GNUlike)
        Open=$(zkp)/sh/snog; echo Snog processing complete. Press enter.; read

# Xnview slideshow
        Open=(iwmenu xnview --norun; xnview -slide %d/%f &>/dev/null &)

### Documents ###

# Postscript
	Open=(gvu %f &)
	View=%view{ascii} ps2ascii %f

	Open=(xpdf %f &)
	#Open=(acroread %f &)
	#Open=(ghostview %f &)
	View=%view{ascii} pdftotext %f -

# The following code very ugly and should not be taken as example.
# It should be cleaned up when the new format of mc.ext is developed.

# html
# 	Open=(if test -n "gnome-moz-remote" && test -n "$DISPLAY"; then (gnome-moz-remote file://%d/%p &) 1>&2; else links %f || lynx -force_html %f || ${PAGER:-more} %f; fi) 2>/dev/null
# 	View=%view{ascii} lynx -dump -force_html %f

# couldnt agree more; nice regexp tho :)
        Open=$(zkp)/sh/runlynx %f
        View=%view{ascii} $(zkp)/sh/runlynx --dump --force_html %f

# StarOffice 5.2
	Open=(ooffice %f &)

# StarOffice 6 and OpenOffice.org formats
	Open=(ooffice %f &)
	View=%view{ascii} unzip -p %f content.xml | o3totxt

# AbiWord
	Open=(abiword %f &)

# Microsoft Word Document
	Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
	View=%view{ascii} catdoc -w %f || word2x -f text %f - || strings %f
type/^Microsoft\ Word
	Open=(wordview.lua %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
#	Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
	View=%view{ascii} catdoc -w %f || word2x -f text %f - || strings %f

# RTF document
	Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)

# Microsoft Excel Worksheet
	Open=(siag %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
#	Open=(gnumeric %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
	View=%view{ascii} xls2csv %f || strings %f
type/^Microsoft\ Excel
	Open=(gnumeric %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
	View=%view{ascii} xls2csv %f || strings %f

# Use OpenOffice.org to open any MS Office documents
type/^Microsoft\ Office\ Document
	Open=(ooffice %f &)

# Framemaker
	Open=fmclient -f %f

	Open=if [ x$DISPLAY = x ]; then dvisvga %f; else (xdvi %f &); fi
	View=%view{ascii} dvi2tty %f

# TeX
	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f

### Miscellaneous ###

# Imakefile
	Open=make clean; xmkmf; echo Imakefile complete. Press enter.; read

# Makefile
#	Open=make -f %f %{Enter parameters}
	Open=make -f %f; echo makefile complete. Press enter.; read

# Makefile.PL (MakeMaker)
	Open=%var{PERL:perl} %f

# dbf
       Open=%view{ascii} dbview %f
       View=%view{ascii} dbview -b %f

# REXX script
       Open=rexx %f %{Enter parameters};echo "Press ENTER";read y

### Plain compressed files ###

# zip
# following open succeeds with both "file" & perl installed :)
type/^([Zz][Ii][Pp])\ archive
	Open=%cd %p#uzip
	View=%view{ascii} unzip -l %f

# zoo
	Open=%cd %p#uzoo
	View=%view{ascii} zoo l %f
# gzip
	Open=gzip -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null

# bzip2
	Open=bzip2 -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
	View=%view{ascii} bzip2 -dc %f 2>/dev/null

# bzip
	Open=bzip -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
	View=%view{ascii} bzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null

# compress
	Open=gzip -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null

### Default ###

# Default target for anything not described above
#	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
#	Open=file %f | grep -is "executable" &>/dev/null && %f || %var{EDITOR:vi} %f
# ${EDITOR} envvar not needed by placing F4 editor here but then vi edits configs
#	Edit=$(zkp)/sh/kdslcon zsysedit %f
# This usage places full file path/name in the microemacs modeline
#	Edit=%var{EDITOR:ue} %d/%p
# This usage ensures selected file is executed not synonym elsewhere in the ${PATH}
 	Open=%d/%p; echo Processing complete. Press enter.; read
#	View=less %f

### EOF ###

+++ vfu.conf
#   Screaming CuckooBroad Associates 2009 - vfu.conf v1.02.007
#   configuration file for Versatile File Utility v3.03
#   Linux 2.4.31 implementation: DSL [ Debian / Knoppix ]
#   http://kevipow.vze.com kevipow@tifosi.net
#   editor invocation is "i" (reasonably clear from the "options" menu)
#   function key definitions assembled at top for easy reference :)

#   ux=VHELP, F1  ,*, $(zkp)/sh/runlynx /opt/vfu/usr/share/doc/vfu

    ux=EDCNF, F1  ,*, $(zkp)/sh/runemacs ~/.vfu/vfu.conf
    ux=LMAIN, F2  ,*, $(zkp)/sh/runlynx
    ux=EBROW, F3  ,*, $(zkp)/sh/runemacs -v "%f"
    ux=EMAIN, F4  ,*, zkp "%f"

#   F5 is for microemacs qv .emacsrc
    ux=FFIND, F5  ,*, echo find-file "%F" >/tmp/findfile.gnu
    ux=KINIT, F8  ,*, ~/kinit %w

    ux=LBROW, F9  ,*, $(zkp)/sh/runlynx "%c"
    ux=MCRUN, F10 ,*, iwmenu mc --norun; exec /opt/mc/bin/mc %c $(zkp)
    ux=LHOME, F11 ,*, $(zkp)/sh/runlynx $(zkp)/local/htm/ksca000.htm
    ux=KSTAT, F12 ,*, $(zkp)/sh/shstat --lynx

# vfu.conf
# VFU File Manager config file
# (c) Vladi Belperchinov-Shabaski [cade@biscom.net] [cade@datamax.bg] 2000
# http://www.biscom.net/~cade/vfu
# All lines with first character # or ; are considered comments!
# Comments may start on a separated new line only!
# (i.e. comment chars must be first in line)
# This file is read-only! vfu never writes to it.
# Possible locations for this file are:
# $HOME/.vfu/vfu.conf
# $HOME/$RC_PREFIX/vfu/vfu.conf   ( please read CONFIG file )
# /etc/vfu.conf
# /usr/local/etc/vfu.conf
# /usr/local/vfu.conf

# comment out folowing lines to use vfu's internal editor and viewer
# or you can toggle em run-time if you wish so
 Browser=less -m~ "%f"
#Editor=joe %f
#Editor=/opt/nedit-5.5/nedit "%f" %w
#Editor=le "%f" %w
 Editor=ue "%f" %w

# alternative ones:
#Editor=vi %f
#Editor=~/apps/zed/zed %f

# list of known archive types, these are just for recognizing
# handling is done via rx_* scripts! but not by VFU itself



# if you'd like to restrict VFU when walking the directory tree -- list paths
# here. Note that you usually should add at least `/tmp/' and `/proc/'
# format is `:' separated list of directory prefixes

# user external commands (handlers), format is:
# description,keyname,ext.mask,command
# to execute a command VFU will try to match both
# key pressed and current file's extension!
# 1. `description' is just free text, keep it small,
#                  first letter can be used as menu hotkey
# 2. `keyname' is key you want to bind
# 3. `ext.mask' is dot-separated list of required extensions and/or file type strings
#               or `*' to discard file type and run command for all files
#               (don't be confused with `.**.' which stands for `executable' files)
# 4. `command' is the shell line you want to execute
#              (as on the command prompt for example)
# Available keys (keynames) are:
#     ENTER, INSERT, F1..F10, @F1..@F10, #F1..#F10, ^F1..^F10
#     (#=shift, @=alt, ^=ctrl, note: ^KEY and @KEY are not available under Linux)
# NOTE: You can use keyname `MENU' to attach this command to the `UserMenu'
#       (key U in vfu)
# NOTE: `file type strings' are the strings that VFU shows in the `TP' column
#       in the file list. Here is a list of the file type strings:
#         **  -- executable file
#         []  -- directory
#         ->  -- symbolic link
#         <>  -- symbolic link to directory
#         ==  -- block device
#         ++  -- character device
#         ()  -- fifo (pipe)
#         ##  -- socket
#       You can mix file extensions with file type strings in the same mask.
#       There is a special mask called `dotfiles' which will match dotfiles
#       (files named with leading dot -- `.dotname' )
# NOTE: You cannot mask longer extensions like `.tar.gz' for example.
# `Command' string (shell line) can contain following macros:
#         %f  -- replaced w. current filename (w/o path)
#         %F  -- replaced w. full pathname of the current file
#         %e  -- current file name without extension
#         %E  -- current file extension
#         %s  -- current file size
#         %c  -- current path ( with slash at the end )
#         %C  -- startup path ( with slash at the end )
#         %R  -- re-read directory content after shell
#         %?  -- prompt for user input and replace it in
#         %i  -- simulates DownArrow after execution
#         %n  -- don't clear and redraw screen on user external command
#         %w  -- wait a key after shell. replaced w. `' (i.e. empty string)
#         %x  -- replaced w. `x'.
#         %_  -- use short file names (SFN) for %f and %F (DOS only)
#         %\  -- use backslashes for %f and %F (DOS only)

# view HTML documents -- now moved to SEE filters below
#ux=SEE HTML,ENTER ,.htm.html.shtml.,lynx "%F"
# itz "see" below *if* you hit the "B" key ...
 ux=SEE HTML,ENTER,.htm.HTM.html.shtml.,$(zkp)/sh/runlynx "%F"
 ux=SEE HTML,INS  ,.htm.HTM.html.shtml.,netrik "%F" %w

# view JPEGs and GIFs -- you can move this to the SEE filters below
#ux=SEE JPEG,INSERT,.jpg.gif.,seejpeg -w -F G640x480x256 -c "%f"
#ux=SEE JPEG,ENTER ,.JPG.jpg.gif.xpm.png.,qvv "%f" 2> /dev/null &
 ux=SEE IMAGE,ENTER,.jpg.JPG.gif.xpm.png.,qiv -i "%f" &
 ux=SEE IMAGE,INS  ,.jpg.JPG.gif.xpm.png.,xzgv "%f" 2>/dev/null &

# play WAVs & MP3s
#ux=PLAY WAV,ENTER ,.au.wav.WAV.,play "%f"   %n 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
#ux=PLAY WAV,INSERT,.au.wav.WAV.,play "%f" %i%n 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
 ux=PLAY MP3,ENTER,.mp3.,xmms "%f" &>/dev/null &
 ux=PLAY MP3,INS  ,.mp3.,sudo killall mpg123; mpg123 "%f" &>/dev/null &

# play MPEGs
#ux=PLAY MPEG,ENTER,.mpg.MPG.mpeg.,plaympeg "%f"  1> /dev/null &
#ux=PLAY MPEG,INS  ,.mpg.MPG.mpeg.,plaympeg -2 "%f" 1> /dev/null &
#ux=PLAY MPEG,ENTER,.mpg.MPG.mpeg.,mtvp "%f"  1> /dev/null &
#ux=PLAY MPEG,INS  ,.mpg.MPG.mpeg.,mtvp -z "%f" 1> /dev/null &
 ux=PLAY MPEG,ENTER,.mpg.MPG.mpeg.,xmms "%f" &>/dev/null &
 ux=PLAY MPEG,INS  ,.mpg.MPG.mpeg.,iwmenu xine --norun; xine -V xshm "%f" &>/dev/null &

# play AVIs
 ux=PLAY AVI,ENTER,.avi.AVI.,iwmenu xine --norun; xine -V xshm "%f" &>/dev/null &

# execute ShockWave Flash
 ux=SWF,ENTER,.swf.,firefox "%F" &>/dev/null &
 ux=SWF,INS  ,.swf.,/opt/opera9/bin/opera -newpage "%F" &>/dev/null &

# install VGAmax fonts to console
 ux=VGAMAX,ENTER,.f16.F16.fkp.FKP.fnr.FNR.fnt.FNT.,consolechars -f "%F"

# view PDF and PS document
#ux=VIEW PDF,ENTER,.pdf.PDF.,acroread "%f"&
 ux=VIEW PDF,ENTER,.pdf.PDF.,xpdf "%f" &
 ux=VIEW PS ,ENTER,.ps.,gv "%f"&

# view wp5.1 documents
 ux=VIEW WP51,ENTER,.z51.Z51.,exec $(zkp)/sh/runwp2x "%f" 2>/dev/null
 ux=VIEW WP51,INS  ,.z51.Z51.,exec $(zkp)/sh/runwp2x "%f" --lynxdump --ue 2>/dev/null

# view Scribe documents
 ux=VIEW MSS,ENTER,.mss.,$(zkp)/sh/s2msshtm "%f"; exec $(zkp)/sh/runlynx /tmp/msstmp.html
# view man pages -- note you can add a see filter for this
#ux=VIEW MAN,ENTER,.,nroff -man "%f" | less
 ux=VIEW MAN,ENTER,.,$(zkp)/sh/runrman "%f"

# view gz / tgz (?)
#ux=VIEW TAR,INS,.gz.,gunzip -c "%f" | tar tvf - | less
# view (in full screen) gz data or tgz directory (if present)
 ux=VIEW GZ,ENTER,.gz.,gunzip -c    "%f" >/tmp/gzipdata; exec less -m~ /tmp/gzipdata
 ux=VIEW GZ,INS  ,.gz.tgz.,tar tzvf "%f" >/tmp/gztardir; exec less -m~ /tmp/gztardir

# view zip directory (archive mode handler used on ENTER)
 ux=VIEW ZIP,INS  ,.zip.,unzip -l "%f" >/tmp/pkzipdir; exec less -m~ /tmp/pkzipdir

# install MyDSL extensions
 ux=MYDSL,ENTER,.dsl.uci.unc.,$(zkp)/mydsl-toad "%F"

# execute all (remaining) files that have type `**' with ENTER
 ux=EXEC,ENTER,.**.,"%f"; %w
# same as the one before but executes command in background (with no output)
 ux=EXEC,INS  ,.**.,"%f" -geometry 800x600 &>/dev/null &

# following user commands are bound to the UserMenu -- key `u'
# note that instead of keyname there's `menu' string!
# first letter is hotkey!

#ux=lLocate file ,menu,*,locate %? %w

 ux=--- Control --------------- ,menu,*,
 ux== user init                 ,menu,*, ~/kinit %w
 ux=? system stats              ,menu,*, $(zkp)/sh/shstat --le
 ux=p dialup PPP w/ log         ,menu,*, $(zkp)/sh/shpppcon --dlog %w
 ux=1 mount filesystem          ,menu,*, sudo mount  "%F" %R
 ux=0 umount filesystem         ,menu,*, sudo umount "%F" %R
 ux=v openVt                    ,menu,*, $(zkp)/sh/kopenvt
 ux=x start Xwindow             ,menu,*, $(zkp)/sh/kopenvt -x &>/dev/null &
 ux=--- File ------------------ ,menu,*,
 ux=c Chmod                     ,menu,*, chmod %? "%f" %R
 ux=a sort on column            ,menu,*, $(zkp)/sh/shsortf %? "%f"
 ux=f load Font                 ,menu,*, consolechars -f "%f"
 ux=@ perform @ction on file    ,menu,*, %? "%f" %w
 ux=--- Edit / Browse --------- ,menu,*,
 ux=6 Edit w/ VI                ,menu,*, vi "%f"
 ux=l Edit w/ Le                ,menu,*, le "%f"
 ux=h edit w/ Hexff             ,menu,*, hexff "%f"
 ux=e edit w/ Ersatz            ,menu,*, uz "%f"
 ux=o Opera                     ,menu,*, /opt/opera9/bin/opera -newpage "%F" &
 ux=m Manpage browser           ,menu,*, $(zkp)/sh/runrman "%f"
 ux=--- Search ---------------- ,menu,*,
 ux=n locate file by NAMe       ,menu,*, $(zkp)/sh/shlocate --nam %? %w
 ux=s find STRing (this dir)    ,menu,*, $(zkp)/sh/shlocate --str %? %w
 ux=k find string in /KNOppix   ,menu,*, $(zkp)/sh/shlocate --kno %? %w
 ux=--- DSL ------------------- ,menu,*,
 ux=d myDsl toad                ,menu,*, $(zkp)/mydsl-toad "%F" 2>/dev/null

# aditional examples:
# edit with kwrite ( > /dev/null -- all os text messages )
# NOTE: `*' means for any file (regardless type)
#ux=KWRITE EDIT,F6,*,kwrite "%f" 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null %n &
# (function key definitions moved to top)
# the `see' file browser/viewer filters
# the format is:
# file-mask,command
# 1. `file-mask' tells which files should be filtered
# 2. `command' is executed and its output is piped to temporary file which is
#              viewed by the viewer (You have to specify %f in the command)

# NB: these are invoked if not handled above *or* explicitly if B key is pressed
#     they become completely invisible if default (see) browser is disabled

#see=*.[1234567890],nroff -man "%f"
#see=*.[1234567890].gz,gzip -dc "%f" | nroff -man -
 see=*.[1234567890],   $(zkp)/sh/runrman "%f" --dump
 see=*.[1234567890].gz,$(zkp)/sh/runrman "%f" --dump
#see=*.tar.gz,tar tzvf "%f"
#see=*.tgz   ,tar tzvf "%f"
 see=*.gz ,gzip  -dc "%f"
 see=*.tgz,gzip  -dc "%f"
 see=*.bz2,bzip2 -dc "%f"
 see=*.Z  ,gzip  -dc "%f"
 see=*.zip,unzip -p  "%f"
 see=*.*51,$(zkp)/sh/runwp2x "%f" --lynxdump 2>/dev/null

#see=*.html.gz,(gzip -dc "%f" > /tmp/vfu.temp.000.html; lynx --dump /tmp/vfu.temp.000.html; rm /tmp/vfu.temp.000.html )
#see=*.htm  ,lynx --dump "%f"
#see=*.html ,lynx --dump "%f"
 see=*.shtml,lynx --dump "%f"
 see=*.htm ,$(zkp)/sh/runlynx --dump "%f"
 see=*.html,$(zkp)/sh/runlynx --dump "%f"

see=*.dbf,dbfdump -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 "%f"

# this is a hack to view Qt man pages
see=*.[1234567890][a-zA-Z]t?,nroff -man "%f"

# external panelizers -- added to RescanMenu ( key ALT+R )
# first letter is hotkey!
# format is:
# description,command
# 1. `description' is free text describing panelizer command
# 2. `command' is processed just like any other external command, so
#              you can use the shell-macros described above. Note that
#              first letter of description is used for menu hotkey!

#panelize=yFind all symlink files...,find . -type l
#panelize=lLocate file,locate %?

# directory bookmarks -- press ALT+2 to change current dir to `/tmp' etc...
# :)

# this guy iz really a joker

# file extensions colors, format is .ext.ext.ext....ext.
# NOTE: this is extensions list, use dots to separate and at the end
# cMAGENTA=.**.txt.TXT.rc.
# cGREEN=.jpg.jpeg.lbm.xpm.tif.gif.
# cCYAN=.[].<>.h.c.cpp.cc.cxx.pas.pl.
# cRED=.dotfiles.
# cYELLOW=.uc2.zip.arj.tgz.tar.rar.lzh.j.ha.lim.gz.Z.bz2.
# cBLUE=.==.++.().##.


# high colors
# NOTE: this mode currently is not available!

# EOF vfu.conf
# VFU File Manager config file
# Vladi Belperchinov-Shabaski  
# http://www.biscom.net/~cade/vfu

© 2011 TRCM TranceRave Capital Management

Screaming CuckooBroad Associates part of the CircleOmega organisation TRCM
<noscript> <!-- ooo