![]() Click above for full-size cover art Excerpt from the liner notes: Matador in a MouseMaze is a noncommercial experimental demo, realised using an ordinary soundcard onboard a wintel XP machine, using freely available & ubiquitous synthesiser & recording software. Despite the quality of the digital sound, it somehow takes on an additional gloss when burned to audio & played thru the laser. It was not so much created as *channeled* -- ie discovered like the classical changes -- & is an encompassing ode to the resonance attainable between the tools of the aspiring artist & the depths of the California canyonscape. The guitar is a Crafter. |
What theyre saying about Matador in a MouseMaze:
"An historically unparalleled achievement of internet-enabled globally conscious artistry." -- Ayaguz Zaysan consummate gnostic practitioner "Smoothest thing youve ever done." -- Tim Powell international educator & jurist "I LOVE SLIPPERY WHEN RETRO!!!!!!!!" -- Vickie Bushey Motown musicologist par extraordinaire "EeeeoooooowwooOOOOoo Yeeeep! Hmmmmmuuunnnngggggg." -- humpback whales "Um yeah thats pretty good." -- Jennifer Nicole Pincetl the Head Raver "Up in the canyon listening to the symphonies ... played SWR between the Eroica & the Pastorale." -- His Imperial Majesty Paul Frederick Louis Clas Oskar Gustavus, Imperial Royal Dynasty of Bernadotte Vasa Bonaparte-Mountbatten Battenberg Hapsburg *Europa Imperator* *Americana Rex* "I really like the way you compose." -- Byron Charles Goodwillie Berkeley bon vivant "I like it better than Brian Eno." -- Charles Scamahorn artist, educator, theorist "Keep playing music!" -- Michael McGee what a dude "I liked the guitar at the beginning but the rest is lousy." -- Gary Otto PhD "I didnt hear any guitar at all so I turned it off after about a minute." -- Ace Backwords noted author & bibliophile "The guys not a punk hes some kinda new age or something. I wouldnt listen to it if the Goddess paid me to." -- Giggles "Why did you put it on the net in the first place?" -- mailto:nobody@bogus.unknown.host.org |